>  > Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne Pepper

Indications Boosts metabolism, improves digestive health, helps detoxify and losing weight, improves skin and hair health

About this plant

Cayenne pepper benefits are numerous. The reason cayenne has been used in traditional medicine and “cleanse” drinks alike: a compound it contains called capsaicin. It helps increase the amount of heat your body produces, making you burn more calories per day. It does this through a process called diet-induced thermogenesis, which causes an increase in your metabolism.

The Capsaicin in cayenne pepper offers varied benefits. It boosts metabolism and heart health, and even clears congestion. Cayenne pepper is also known to relieve joint pains and other inflammatory conditions. The spice does good to skin and hair as well.

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This herb is available in our products:

Thyroid Support
(Nature Bytes)

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